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Morning Prayer: Monday-Friday at 9:00 a.m. (In-Person or FB Live) Noon Eucharist: In-Person each Wednesday Sunday Service: Sunday Eucharist Service 8:00 a.m. Rite I and 10:30 a.m. Rite II with music (In-Person or FB Live) Facebook Live Sunday School: All ages, children to adults at 9:30 a.m.

Visitors – What to Expect on Sunday

Visitors - Holy Innocents' Welcome You!

Visitors are always welcome!

We can’t wait to meet you! In the meantime, here is some information about what you can expect on your first visit to Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church.

Where do I park?
Holy Innocents’ is located at the corner of Valrico Road and Front Street in Valrico, FL, less than a mile north of Route 60. The parking lot surrounds the church, and you are free to park anywhere on the lot. There are reserved parking spaces for visitors in front of the main entrance to the church.

What should I wear?
You are welcome to wear what you are most comfortable wearing. Most people dress in casual dress clothes.

How long are the services?
We have two services on Sunday at Holy Innocents’. The first is at 8:00 a.m. and does not have music. It typically lasts about an hour. The second service is at 10:30 a.m. and does have music. It typically lasts between 1 – 1 ½ hours.

What can I expect during worship?
The Episcopal Church is a liturgical church, which means that our service follows an established order. The order of service includes singing, readings from the Bible, a sermon, prayers, and the celebration of Holy Communion. We utilize projectors and screens as well as prayer books and hymnals to worship together.

Am I allowed to receive communion?
Yes. As long as you are baptized, you are welcome to receive communion. At Holy Innocents’, we use real wine and a common cup during the distribution of the elements. Gluten free bread is available. If you do not wish to take communion, you may cross your arms over your chest and the priest will offer you a blessing instead.

What accommodations do you have for my children?
While in the sanctuary, accessible by the chapel, is our Family “Sunshine” Room, which is a space created especially for our young families to use during both services if your little ones need a quick break. In this space, you will find available rocking chairs, pack ‘n plays, a changing table, various toys, books, Busy Bags that children can take back to service with them, and a television that live-streams the service. Feel free to utilize this space at any time.

Will I have to stand up and introduce myself?
No, you do not have to identify yourself publicly as a visitor. Should you wish to learn more about the church, you can fill out a communication card and request general or specific information. A member of the church staff will contact you to answer your questions.

What are the books in the pews and when do I use them?
The red book is the Book of Common Prayer, which provides the service structure and content. The blue book is the hymnal, which contains the music for the entire service. Their use will be noted in the bulletin. We also utilize projectors and screens throughout both of our Sunday morning worship services and for many other services throughout the year. When the screens are in use, everything you are asked to say or sing throughout a service will be projected on the screens. You are also welcome to continue to follow along with your bulletin and the books as page numbers will continue to be noted in the bulletin.

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